[root@kube-master1 c7nctl-0.20.0]# kubectl get svc -n ingress-controller -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
items: []
kind: List
resourceVersion: “”
selfLink: “”
你域名解析到了 , 你的使用的 traffic ingress 代理这个 IP 的 80 端口吗?没有的话肯定域名检查过不了
2020/03/29 09:23:40 [INFO] gitlab-service has task not finish
2020/03/29 09:23:42 [DEBUG] check health failed with msg: get response code 503 retry…
2020/03/29 09:23:50 [INFO] gitlab-service has task not finish
2020/03/29 09:23:52 [DEBUG] check health failed with msg: get response code 503 retry…
2020/03/29 09:24:00 [INFO] gitlab-service has task not finish
2020/03/29 09:24:02 [DEBUG] check health failed with msg: get response code 503 retry…
2020/03/29 09:24:10 [INFO] gitlab-service has task not finish
2020/03/29 09:24:12 [DEBUG] check health failed with msg: get response code 503 retry…
2020/03/29 09:24:20 [INFO] gitlab-service has task not finish
2020/03/29 09:24:22 [DEBUG] check health failed with msg: get response code 503 retry…
2020/03/29 09:24:30 [INFO] gitlab-service has task not finish
2020/03/29 09:24:32 [DEBUG] check health failed with msg: get response code 503 retry…
2020/03/29 09:24:40 [INFO] gitlab-service has task not finish
2020/03/29 09:24:42 [DEBUG] check health failed with msg: get response code 503 retry…
2020/03/29 09:24:50 [INFO] gitlab-service has task not finish
2020/03/29 09:24:52 [DEBUG] check health failed with msg: get response code 503 retry…
2020/03/29 09:25:00 [INFO] gitlab-service has task not finish
2020/03/29 09:25:03 [DEBUG] check health failed with msg: get response code 503 retry…
2020/03/29 09:25:10 [INFO] gitlab-service has task not finish
2020/03/29 09:25:13 [DEBUG] check health failed with msg: get response code 503 retry…
2020/03/29 09:25:20 [INFO] gitlab-service has task not finish
2020/03/29 09:25:23 [DEBUG] check health failed with msg: get response code 503 retry…
2020/03/29 09:25:30 [INFO] gitlab-service has task not finish
2020/03/29 09:25:33 [DEBUG] check health failed with msg: get response code 503 retry…
2020/03/29 09:25:40 [INFO] gitlab-service has task not finish
2020/03/29 09:25:43 [DEBUG] check health failed with msg: get response code 503 retry…
2020/03/29 09:25:50 [INFO] gitlab-service has task not finish
2020/03/29 09:25:53 [DEBUG] check health failed with msg: get response code 503 retry…
2020/03/29 09:26:00 [INFO] gitlab-service has task not finish
2020/03/29 09:26:03 [DEBUG] check health failed with msg: get response code 503 retry…
2020/03/29 09:26:10 [INFO] gitlab-service has task not finish
2020/03/29 09:26:13 [DEBUG] check health failed with msg: get response code 503 retry…
2020/03/29 09:26:20 [INFO] gitlab-service has task not finish
2020/03/29 09:26:23 [DEBUG] check health failed with msg: get response code 503 retry…
2020/03/29 09:26:30 [INFO] gitlab-service has task not finish
2020/03/29 09:26:33 [DEBUG] check health failed with msg: get response code 503 retry…
2020/03/29 09:26:40 [INFO] gitlab-service has task not finish
api.xxx.xxx 是猪齿鱼的网关服务,gitlab 使用 猪齿鱼的oauth2认证,所以会跳转到这里。
请确定 api.xx.xx 是已经正确DNS解析。
你尝试一下为 api.xx.xx 的域名添加本地 hosts。
你有配置 gitlab 的Choerodon Oauth认证吗?试一下gitlab登陆时 base-service,ouath-server 是否有错误
我觉得是你的gitlab oauth 认证配置错误了。
你F12 看一下具体请求的错误。