
  • Choerodon平台版本: 0.23

  • 遇到问题的执行步骤:
    ./c7nctl install c7n -c config.yml --version=0.23

  • 文档地址:

  • 环境信息(如:节点信息):
    kubernetes v1.17
    helm v3.4.0

  • 报错日志:
    INFO[0000] The user profile config.yml was read successfully
    INFO[0000] The current installing choerodon version is 0.23
    INFO[0000] Start retrieving the resource file https://gitee.com/open-hand/c7nctl/raw/0.23/manifests/install.yml
    INFO[0000] namespace c7n-system already exists
    INFO[0001] waiting slaver running…
    INFO[0002] waiting slaver running…
    INFO[0002] Successfully rendered the Release c7n-mysql
    INFO[0002] Successfully rendered the Release c7n-redis
    INFO[0002] Successfully rendered the Release gitlab
    INFO[0003] Successfully rendered the Release minio
    INFO[0003] Successfully rendered the Release harbor
    INFO[0003] Successfully rendered the Release sonatype-nexus
    INFO[0004] Successfully rendered the Release chartmuseum
    INFO[0004] Successfully rendered the Release sonarqube
    INFO[0004] Successfully rendered the Release choerodon-register
    INFO[0004] Successfully rendered the Release choerodon-platform
    INFO[0004] Successfully rendered the Release choerodon-admin
    INFO[0004] Successfully rendered the Release choerodon-asgard
    INFO[0004] Successfully rendered the Release choerodon-gateway
    INFO[0005] Successfully rendered the Release choerodon-iam
    INFO[0005] Successfully rendered the Release choerodon-oauth
    INFO[0005] Successfully rendered the Release choerodon-file
    INFO[0005] Successfully rendered the Release choerodon-swagger
    INFO[0005] Successfully rendered the Release choerodon-message
    INFO[0005] Successfully rendered the Release choerodon-monitor
    INFO[0005] Successfully rendered the Release devops-service
    INFO[0006] Successfully rendered the Release gitlab-service
    INFO[0006] Successfully rendered the Release workflow-service
    INFO[0006] Successfully rendered the Release agile-service
    INFO[0006] Successfully rendered the Release test-manager-service
    INFO[0006] Successfully rendered the Release elasticsearch-kb
    INFO[0006] Successfully rendered the Release knowledgebase-service
    INFO[0006] Successfully rendered the Release code-repo-service
    INFO[0006] Successfully rendered the Release prod-repo-service
    INFO[0007] Successfully rendered the Release choerodon-front-hzero
    INFO[0007] Successfully rendered the Release choerodon-front
    INFO[0007] start installing release c7n-redis
    INFO[0007] Start retrieving the resource file https://gitee.com/open-hand/c7nctl/raw/0.23/manifests/values/c7n-redis.yaml
    INFO[0007] Release c7n-redis is already installed
    INFO[0007] start installing release c7n-mysql
    INFO[0007] Start retrieving the resource file https://gitee.com/open-hand/c7nctl/raw/0.23/manifests/values/c7n-mysql.yaml
    INFO[0007] Release c7n-mysql is already installed
    INFO[0007] start installing release choerodon-register
    INFO[0007] Start retrieving the resource file https://gitee.com/open-hand/c7nctl/raw/0.23/manifests/values/choerodon-register.yaml
    INFO[0007] Release choerodon-register is already installed
    INFO[0007] start installing release elasticsearch-kb
    INFO[0007] Start retrieving the resource file https://gitee.com/open-hand/c7nctl/raw/0.23/manifests/values/elasticsearch-kb.yaml
    INFO[0008] Release elasticsearch-kb is already installed
    INFO[0008] start installing release harbor
    INFO[0008] Start retrieving the resource file https://gitee.com/open-hand/c7nctl/raw/0.23/manifests/values/harbor.yaml
    INFO[0008] harbor: started, will execute required commands and requests
    INFO[0008] installing harbor
    ERRO[0008] Install Choerodon failed: Release harbor install failed: validation: chart.metadata is required

  • 原因分析:


  • 疑问:


删除已经下载的chart 包,在重新执行安装

rm -f ~/.helm/cache/archive/*

我已经执行了rm -f ~/.cache/helm/repository/ 但问题依然存在,输出的错误信息和上面一样。我怀疑是不是官方的chart仓库有问题。